2A4C rules, 6 steps to help you choose the best industrial vacuum cleaner

There are also rules on how to choose an industrial vacuum cleaner. Next, we will introduce 6 steps to help you choose an industrial vacuum cleaner.

2A4C rules, 6 steps to help you choose the best industrial vacuum cleaner

1. According to the application requirements, consider whether continuous work is required, and fully consider the requirements of the power supply system and overall performance.

2. According to the specific conditions of the dust, choose industrial wet and dry vacuum cleaner and then choose the power size according to the dust concentration.

3. Consider the quality and performance of the product: suction, working time, function, structural design, appearance, operation, maintenance and other indicators. The suction power is preferably large enough to meet the application requirements, and the working hours are best to be able to work continuously for 24 hours, and the functions are rich but do not cause operational troubles.

4. Choose imported products or domestic products according to budget and application requirements. Generally speaking, Maxkpa industrial floor cleaners have low prices with good quality, while imported brands have high quality but their industrial vacuum cleaner prices are relatively expensive.

5. Consider whether the supplier has the authorized qualification of an agent, etc.

6. Consider services, including pre-sales, in-sales and after-sales services, especially to see if professional and lasting after-sales service can be provided.

Publication Date: 21 December, 2020


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